As farmers head into a new planting season with high fertilizer prices and uncertain availability, they need to make inputs go as far as possible. Phosphorus prices, in particular, have hit pocketbooks hard, with no real relief slated for 2023. Here are four ways to ensure optimum phosphorus levels in your fields:

1. Test your soils about every two years, according to a University of Minnesota Extension nutrient and water management specialist. A post-harvest test will let you know how much phosphorus will still be available next year for planting.
2. Match phosphorus applications with the crop. If your soil tests indicate a high phosphorus range, apply at the removal rate of your planned crop.
3. Know your soil type. Phosphorus behaves differently in clay and topsoil, even on no-till operations.
4. Consider these five items to guide phosphorus – and any nutrient – application. The right rate, from the right source, at the right time and place can make every input go further.

Read more on optimum phosphorus application tips here.