Closeup of United States Capital buildingIn an effort long recognized by industry leaders to “do better with their efforts on diversity and inclusion,” a group of agriculture leaders led by House Agriculture Committee Chairman David Scott, D-GA, is taking up the issue in a webinar on Friday, April 23, at 11:00 AM ET. The panel includes Kathryn Unger, Cargill Vice President for North America leading government relations, and P.J. Haynie III, chairman of the National Black Growers’ Council and owner of Haynie Farms, LLC, in Reedville, Virginia. The discussion led by Agri-Pulse Editor Sara Wyant will highlight the positive steps some have taken to improve diversity and inclusion in agriculture, while recognizing the challenges the industry faces and ways those challenges can be overcome. Agri-Pulse is partnering with the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) in this, the first in a series of discussions on the important topic. Learn more and sign up for the event.