More cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza are cropping up in dairy herds, suggesting that the virus may be transmissible from cow to cow.

A dairy farm in Montcalm County, Michigan, that recently received cows from Texas is the latest cattle operation to test positive for the virus according to the USDA’s National Veterinary Services Lab. Presumptive positive tests have also been received for additional herds in Idaho, New Mexico and Texas.

The strain of the virus found in Michigan is very similar to the strain confirmed in Texas and Kansas. Even though initial reports of avian influenza in cattle indicate the virus was introduced by wild birds, new data suggests other pathways to infection.

Food and health regulators continue to monitor the situation closely and have advised veterinarians and producers to practice good biosecurity, test animals before necessary transporting, minimize animal movements and isolate sick cattle from the herd.

Read more about the latest HPAI outbreak in the dairy herds here.