Dairy Cattle EatingCorn silage value has increased considerably compared to five years ago. At $6.50 per bushel of corn, per-ton pricing for corn silage for Midwestern and Eastern dairies is likely around $65. But for corn grown in areas with extreme drought conditions or other less-favorable weather, 2022 corn silage is being inventoried at $125 or more per ton. That means dairies in good corn-growing condition areas will have an excess of $375,000 cost/value incurred and Southern and Western dairies will have an excess of half of a million dollars incurred.

Knowing corn silage’s economic impact can lead producers to better select and manage corn for silage. Reviewing yield and quality data from plot trials is one way to become more selective with corn purchasing. University hybrid programs, seed companies, contract research and other industry-leading dairy farms are excellent resources for plot data.

Read more on corn silage purchasing for your dairy operation here.