The following revisions are applicable for the 2023 and succeeding crop years for the DRP plan of insurance:

  • Allow sales to be suspended during the sales period for situations that arise during the sales period in which market conditions adversely change after the fact.
  • Add flexibility to continue coverage when producers experience a disaster at their dairy operation. The insured can use the milk marketing records as of the date of the disaster to determine the milk produced for the rest of the insurance period or use prior milk marketing records if the disaster occurs prior to the start of the insurance period.
  • Revised the policy to clarify that the termination date is June 30. Cancellation during a crop year to submit an application for another DRP policy with a different insurance provider within the same crop year is not allowed.
  • Clarified that an insured cannot have other livestock insurance on the same milk in the same quarterly insurance period.

Please click on the following hyperlink to access Product Management Bulletin PM-22-030 to read in full.

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