Farm groups have begun to demand reform to the checkoff program — a controversial system farmers have fought for years to reign in. Under the program, farmers must pay into checkoff funds for commodities including beef, pork, popcorn and Christmas trees, which funds advertising and research for those commodities. One of the most noteworthy campaigns has been “Got Milk?” for the dairy industry.

Supporters claim that checkoffs support farmers and fund critical research, but critics say that the programs mislead consumers and lack transparency about where the money goes. Advocates hope that the reform bill, the Opportunities for Fairness in Farming Act, will be included in the farm bill.

Farm Action, an anti-monopoly farm group, is funding and organizing the “Enough is Enough” tour with the support of endorsements from 16 other groups including the American Grassfed Association, Dakota Resource Council, Pennsylvania Farmers Union and R-CALF USA.

Read more about demands to reform the checkoff program here.