Feedback From The Field-Sept. 23, 2019
Farmers reported wide variation in conditions as crops progressed during the summer. Now, as fall begins, growers are finding those same disparities in yields as combines slowly begin to roll.
“Our farm are about 20 miles apart and yields are going to vary greatly,” wrote a Kentucky producer on Feedback From The Field last week, noting very dry conditions that dropped corn moisture in some areas to 14%. “Corn has gone from 120-210 in field. First planted beans will be in the 45-55 range.”
Another grower in northwest Iowa saw even wider ranges. “Silage chopping yield checks range from 115-295 bushels/acre depending on planting date, green snap, and nitrogen loss due to wet spots,” was the report.
Just as varied as yields was the weather farmers experienced this season, starting with a wet, cold spring followed by either too wet or too dry, too cold or too hot. The challenges continued last week as remnants of Tropical Storm Imelda slowly churned through the Plains and into the Midwest, bringing flooding to some areas of the Corn Belt.
“Too much rain,” said a farmer in eastern North Dakota, which was pounded again, slowing spring wheat harvest and raising quality concerns about the crop.
Yet some producers remain optimistic about yields – if killing frost holds off long enough to let crops mature.
“Yield potential is there,” added another North Dakota grower. “Need 4-5 weeks to reach full maturity.”
“Rains have been helpful with good heat,” commented a farmer from northwest Ohio hoping for 190-bushel corn and 45-bushel soybeans. “Looks good from the road and in the field.”
Overall farmers filing reports last week lower yield and conditions for both corn and soybeans, with beans notably stressed.
Source: Bryce Knorr, Farm Futures