Calculator on top of money and grainFinal 2020 crop output numbers and grain stocks estimates are just a couple of the reports being released Tuesday by USDA, and ones the marketplace will be watching closely. Most analysts expect the data to be bullish for prices, with final yield tallies for both corn and soybeans slightly lower than earlier expectations. Still, the soybean crop is expected to be the fourth-largest in history, while the corn crop will wind up being the third- or fourth-largest in history. Like previous survey data, USDA is expected to peg average national corn yield around 175 bushels/acre, while soybeans are expected to be around 50 bushels/acre. It all translates to some of the tightest domestic soybean stocks in history, while corn is expected to be tighter, but still meet market demand. Here’s more of what to expect from Tuesday’s reports.