As we approach July 15th, one of our largest acreage reporting dates, please keep in mind that on or before the applicable final acreage reporting date, an insured may revise his/her acreage reports for planted acres without the requirement of a crop inspection or ProAg’s approval.

After the applicable final ARD, acreage reports cannot be revised except:

  • As specifically allowed by the policy including:
    • Short-rated acreage, if requested by the insured, and the requirements in the Crop Provisions are met. The acreage report must be revised to designate short-rated acres separately.
    • Measurement services are requested by the insured on or before the ARD, and the measurement services result in a different acreage determination. The acreage report can be revised to reflect the determined acres.
  • When ProAg provides consent and can determine:
    • A cause of loss has not occurred, and an appraisal indicates the crop will produce at least 90% of the yield used to determine the guarantee or amount of insurance for the unit (including reported and unreported acreage), except when there are unreported units.
    • Information on the acreage report is clearly transposed.
    • Adequate evidence is provided that ProAg or someone from USDA has committed an error regarding information on the acreage report.
  • All acreage report revisions require:
    • Revisions to be made on a Revised Acreage Report form. If an Acreage Report is used rather than a Revised Acreage Report for the revision request, documentation is required to be made within the “Remarks” section of the Acreage Report form providing a detailed explanation of the revision request
    • Printed names and signatures of the insured and agent
    • Timely dates

For questions regarding processing Revised Acreage Reports, please reference TOPE document 20011-237 – Revised Acreage Report located on the ProAgPortal® intranet Processes tab.