Grocery storeSoaring U.S. beef exports continued to grow in February, according to the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF). Exports to key Asian and Latin American markets bolstered demand, even amidst strong headwinds for U.S. meat exports and ongoing uncertainty in the global marketplace. Beef exports increased 9% the first two months of the year, with value soaring 46% higher to $1.93 billion.

Meanwhile, pork exports trended lower in February, partly due to logistics challenges and compounded by lower-priced offerings from competitors. USMEF says China and Hong Kong are also shipping lower volumes, pushing more product into other markets at lower prices. Pork value fell 14% in February to $541.3 million, while volume fell 17% to 198,539 metric tons.

Read more on beef and pork exports here.