Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) has been plaguing farmers for as long as they can remember, and it doesn’t seem to be easing up any time soon. Consistently rated as the most damaging soybean pathogen in North America, the rapidly spreading, stubborn parasitic roundworm attacks the roots and is responsible for upwards of $1.5 billion in annual yield loss. The early 90s brought PI88788 resistance bred in to help combat the pathogen, but it can’t be counted on as the silver bullet to eradicate the risk from your crop anymore.

Here are a couple of suggestions to help manage SCN:

>> Soil sampling is crucial and post-harvest is an ideal time to allow time to develop a plan for the next growing season.

>> Rotation with non-host crops can help minimize populations. Rotating soybean varieties has also proven effective.

Read more on soybean cyst nematode disease.