The United Kingdom’s government announced it would suspend tariffs for at least two years on raw kernel and in-shell almonds from all origins, including the U.S. The tariffs which included 4% on in-shell almonds and 2% on raw kernels have been in place since the U.K. left the European Union in 2021.

U.K. trade officials on March 18 issued a list of commodities, including almonds, that will have tariffs suspended until June 30, 2026. U.K. officials said there is a possibility they will reassess before that date to extend the suspension or possibly make a permanent change.

Estimates put the costs of the soon-to-be-suspended tariffs to U.K. importers at about $4 million a year. The suspension will allow U.K. importers to offer a more competitive price on raw California almonds to U.K. processors and ultimately to consumers.

U.K. duties of 8 to 10% remain on roasted almonds (which includes flavored almonds), 8% on marzipan and almond flour, and 20% on almond paste.

Read more about the suspension of U.K. raw almond duties here.